Caius Julius Vindex

26 August 2006

George Galloway on the air

Galloway wipes the floor with Sky Newsreader
Sky News broadcast an interview with George Galloway, MP for Bethnel Green on 6th August. The exchange between Galloway and the Sky Newsreader, regarding the war in Lebanon is both entertaining and revealing. Here is how it began:

Sky Newsreader: Joining me now is a man who’s not known for sitting on the fence. He passionately opposed the invasion of Iraq and now he feels that Hizbullah is justified in attacking Israel. The Respect MP for Bethnel Green is in our London studio. A very good evening, uh good morning to you Mr. Galloway. How do you justify your support for Hizbullah and its leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah?

Galloway (laughing): What a preposterous way to introduce an item and what a preposterous first question. Twenty four years ago, on the day my daughter was born and I’ve just celebrated her 24th birthday,I had to dash to the maternity hospital to see her giving birth from a mass demonstration in London against the Israeli invasion and occupation of Lebanon. Israel has been invading and occupying Lebanon all of my 24yr old daughter’s life. The Hizbullah are a part of the national resistance who are trying to drive, having successfully driven most Israelis from their land in 2000, Israel from the rest of their land and to get back those thousands of Lebanese prisoners who were kidnapped by Israel under the terms of their illegal occupation of Lebanon.

It’s Israel that’s invading Lebanon. It’s Israel that’s attacking Lebanon. Not Lebanon that’s attacking Israel...

Video: George Galloway taking on Sky News 6th August

George Galloway's live phone in from Beirut
© Socialist Worker 2015, 26 August 2006
On next Saturday and Sunday George Galloway MP will broadcast a Middle East special of his Talksport radio phone in show from bombed out Beirut.